miðvikudagur, nóvember 12, 2008

How to replace Notepad in Windows XP [Hacker's Corner!]

I have had hard times replacing Notepad and it seems to come back ever so often. Finally (I hope) I found the solution. It is here, both in the initial suggestion and even better in the discussions:

The basic thing is to replace notepad.exe wherever it resides, in the C:\WINDOWS subdirectories, mainly, ServicePackFiles\i386\ (which seems to be the main source) and SYSETM32\DLLCACHE\ (hidden file, second main source) and SYSTEM32\. Then, and only then, you can replace the C:\WINDOWS\notepad.exe without fear of it becoming overwritten.

I replaced it with the Crimson editor Notepad replacement (the notepad.exe that comes with the installation). It seems OK, except that when opening, it comes up with a warning:

C:\WINDOWS\ (or C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\) contains an invalid path.
Then it just works.

1 ummæli:

Böðvar Björgvinsson sagði...

The warning message only appeared the first time opening Crimson. No error messages since that, so I can say this was a success.
