mánudagur, júní 29, 2009

We demand that Facebook show some manners!

My letter to Facebook administration on behalf of Sigþrúður Þorfinnsdóttir as a member of a support group for her:

Facebook's own abuse of "abuse"

Dear sirs /madam.

Facebook users in Iceland are astonished because of your termination of Sigþrúður Þorfinnsdóttir's registration on Facebook, [e-mail withheld for the public]. We are a large group of your fans and frequent users in Iceland who can not understand or accept that you terminate users without any reasonable ground or explanation.

We demand that you explain your decision or at least give a resonably grounds for your, to us, incomprehensible and unbelievable decision.

We know for sure, that there is someone in Iceland who sends complaints to Facebook regarding some users and they do it in a persuit of game.

It seems that your "report abuse" system is entirely automatic and there is not much the users can do if they accidentally overstep some electronic boundaries you have for Facebook use or if someone just hits the button.

This is highly frustrating, to say the least, and to be thrown out in this manner is equal to social expulsion for the victim. Facebook friends don't get any announcement of this neither beforehand so they could possibly come to your defense or put in a good word, nor after the fact, the victim simply disappears like in the former communist east block.

There has been some discussion here in Iceland about Facebook throwing out people well liked in our community without any kind of human interaction on your behalf and this is something that needs to change. If users can be terminated from using Facebook based on false accusations or gross misunderstanding your integrity has been seriously damaged. We know you can fix this malfunction in your system to prevent this from happening again if you only bother.

We demand that you let Sigþrúður Þorfinnsdóttir back in and afford him/her and others in similar situations, an explanation.

Be kind to your reputation. :-)

Yours sincerly,

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

þriðjudagur, júní 02, 2009

Hræsni Sjálfstæðismanna

Á www.visir.is er þessi frétt í dag: Ætla að endurgreiða risastyrkina á næstu sjö árum - vaxtalaust

Sjálfstæðismenn hafa farið mikinn vegna styrkja allt að 5 millj. kr. sem Samfylkingin hefur fengið frá einstökum fyrirtækjum um leið og þeir segjast ætla að skila styrkjum upp á allt að 50 millj. kr. sem þeir móttóku meðan verið var að fjalla um takmörkun á slíkum styrkjum. Nú kemur hins vegar í ljós að þeir ætla að skila sömu krónutölu, en vaxta- og verðbótalaust, á næstu 7 árum.

Hversu mikið mun krónan hafa fallið þá að meðaltali frá því að Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn fékk greiðslurnar? Ætli það verði nema í mesta lagi helmingurinn af raunverði sem Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn skilar?

Miðað við það verður það að teljast nokkur kokhreysti hjá Sjálfstæðisflokknum að segjast skila framlögunum, þegar þeir í raun skila kannski ekki nema helmingi - eða jafnvel minna.

Þarf ekki aðeins meiri iðrun og yfirbót í í íslenska pólitík en þetta?